Yosuke sat in the shadows playing guitar while Mari and I told this tale (with a projector) at Ian and Yuki's wedding:
Yuki was born on April 1st, 1976 in Izuka city, Fukuoka to the loving parents of Kenichi and Reiko.
Ian was born in Plattsburg, New York to the loving parents of Maria and Biller.
In elementary school, Yuki wanted to be a painter. She liked making her own paints by smashing flowers and leaves. She also liked catching cicadas and playing with her grandma.
When Ian was a kid, he liked comics, Greek and Norsmith mythology, dinosaurs, drawing, riding bikes, building forts, and with his brother making "caterpillar soup", which consists of throwing caterpillars in a bucket of toxic cleaning chemicals.
When Yuki was in high school, she felt very lost. Even though she couldn't play an instrument, she wanted to be in a band, dressed really crazy, and hung out with the bad kids at her school. Yuki kept thinking that she had to get out of her small town because there was something she needed, which wasn't there.
ユキちゃんは高校に通っている時、これから何をすべきかとても悩んだそうです。楽器が弾けなかったけどバンドを始めて みたりしたかったし、服装も派手で、学校の悪ガキ達とつるんだりしていたそうです。そして、ユキちゃんは自分に必要ななにかを探すために、生まれ育った小 さな町から抜け出したいと思っていました。

ユキちゃんは高校に通っている時、これから何をすべきかとても悩んだそうです。楽器が弾けなかったけどバンドを始めて みたりしたかったし、服装も派手で、学校の悪ガキ達とつるんだりしていたそうです。そして、ユキちゃんは自分に必要ななにかを探すために、生まれ育った小 さな町から抜け出したいと思っていました。
When Ian was a teenager, he was sulky and introverted. He didn't like listening to anyone and just wanted to be left alone. He found refuge and pleasure in skateboarding, listening to weird music, and making zines.
Yuki finally moved to Tokyo to attend an all girls college, but still she was unhappy and hated herself. Still searching for something, she traveled abroad often where she loved to go clubbing and liked to...
... party.
One day, Ian had the opportunity to move to Tokyo, so he hopped on the chance since he had traveled to Japan once before and really liked it, but even though it was exciting, he was really nervous and scared of change.
ある日、イアンのもとに、アメリカから東京へと活動の場を移せるチャンスが訪れました。以前、日本を旅行した事があ り、その時とても日本が気に入ったので、引っ越す事に決めました。日本での新たな生活はきっと刺激的なものになると思ったけど、それと同時に、新しい変化 に順応できるかどうかの不安もありました。
ある日、イアンのもとに、アメリカから東京へと活動の場を移せるチャンスが訪れました。以前、日本を旅行した事があ り、その時とても日本が気に入ったので、引っ越す事に決めました。日本での新たな生活はきっと刺激的なものになると思ったけど、それと同時に、新しい変化 に順応できるかどうかの不安もありました。
In Japan, Ian had a hard time adapting at first to the exotic people and customs...
Fortunately, he eventually got used to it and began to love his new home.
Years later, Ian and Yuki crossed paths several times at parties, but they didn't think much at first and they were both...

Fortunately, he eventually got used to it and began to love his new home.
Years later, Ian and Yuki crossed paths several times at parties, but they didn't think much at first and they were both...
...involved in relationships.
Eventually Ian and Yuki both became single.
Ian told me a story once- I am not sure if it is true- but anyways at a party one night where everyone was drunk and having a good time, Ian decided to go home and was heading out the door. All of the sudden, Yuki spontaneously ran up to him and gave him a big wet kiss.
イアン が、ウソか本当かは分からないけれど、僕にある話を教えてくれました。とあるパーティーで、みんなとても酔っぱらってワイワイ楽しんでいた時に、イアンは 家に帰ろうと思い、出口に向かいました。その時、ユキちゃんがイアンの元にやって来て、チュッとキスをしたそうです。
Present-Day-Yuki actually says she doesn't remember doing that, but for Ian at that very moment was a bigggggggg...

by Yosuke, Mari, and Pat
Eventually Ian and Yuki both became single.
Ian told me a story once- I am not sure if it is true- but anyways at a party one night where everyone was drunk and having a good time, Ian decided to go home and was heading out the door. All of the sudden, Yuki spontaneously ran up to him and gave him a big wet kiss.
イアン が、ウソか本当かは分からないけれど、僕にある話を教えてくれました。とあるパーティーで、みんなとても酔っぱらってワイワイ楽しんでいた時に、イアンは 家に帰ろうと思い、出口に向かいました。その時、ユキちゃんがイアンの元にやって来て、チュッとキスをしたそうです。
Present-Day-Yuki actually says she doesn't remember doing that, but for Ian at that very moment was a bigggggggg...
Ian moved and like fate knocking on the door, it turned out he lived in the same neighborhood with Yuki, so one night they decided to make a date, and after he seduced her with his cat, it all fell into place from there...
Ian moved and like fate knocking on the door, it turned out he lived in the same neighborhood with Yuki, so one night they decided to make a date, and after he seduced her with his cat, it all fell into place from there...
... and they lived happily ever after (...with Patrick).
by Yosuke, Mari, and Pat
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