
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 164: Sunday, August 21, 2011

“T.B. is a monster,” I sometimes jokingly say to people because, in a way, it just keeps growing and evolving while sucking in everything around it…

I have always known that words are a powerful thing, but didn’t really understand it till now. Just two words that I wrote in a passage this morning for T.B. (which has already been deleted) made me lose two friends… and both of whom I have known and cared about for over ten years.

Ironically, during the past few weeks, my life seemed to be changing for the best… I could have honestly said that I was happy and probably more content than I have ever been like I was walking on a cloud… but today- even with the best intentions in mind when I wrote the piece- I hurt my friends by carelessly exposing too much this morning; and now I feel like the scum of the earth.

Ten years of friendship gone… Two friends for two words… And I can say without a doubt:


“It was not worth it."

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